Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

fashionably functional

{Top: Express, Belt: Nordstrom, Jeans: Express, Shoes: Gianni Bini}

Wow... it's already Wednesday. I can't believe how fast this week is flying by.  Tonight is a big night... I am getting my hair trimmed and a few little splashes of blonde added in {pictures to come later!}Also, I mentioned BIG NEWS earlier this week. Well now that all the loose ends are tied I can talk about it. I got a new J-O-B! Yay me :)

Don't let me fool you...the above pictured is actually what I wore on Saturday to the Horse Races, I just never got around to posting it since all this new career excitement has been floating around me.

In other news... I stopped by Plato's Closet last night on the way home from work and found a pair of Express jeans, a tulip skirt, and a pair of shorts from Express that still have the tags on them {they are very similar to these currently in stores}... all for $24. Oh yea!

Also. I fear that I may have to give up my love affair with high-heels. I have a back injury and I have noticed lately that my back is hurting more and more... I think that its all in the shoes, so now I am on the hunt for cute, affordable, and comfortable flats... any suggestions?

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