Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

daily outfit: tara's friendship bracelet & my 90's dress

As you can see, this dress is reminiscent of - oh I don't know... the 90's. It reminds me of something Brenda or Donna would have worn on the original 90210. Since all things old are new again I figured that this little treasure would be a good addition to my wardrobe.  I bought it months ago at Goodwill (my favorite place) but just got around to snapping photos of it.  It truly is the perfect little dress for running around.

Also, if you have not yet noticed, check out my awesome friendship bracelet from the girl behind Haute-Lunch.com, Tara's etsy shop.  She makes beautiful items, go here and browse her creations!!

Outfit Details:
Top: basic white tee, TJ Maxx
Dress: thrifted via Goodwill
Shoes: Gianni Bini

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