Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

best blog award - from Ju'lia Catherine

I just wanted to dedicate a post to a blogger friend of mine, Ju'lia... we found each other on IFB and I have loved her blog from day one. Not only is this woman crafty {she sews!} but she is STUNNING as well, like model stunning... everything looks great on her.

Recently Ju'lia awarded me with the Best Blog award and I appreciate it so much... I want to give Ju'lia some love and encourage everyone who reads my blog to check out Ju'lia's blog, I really think that you all will love her to pieces!

On to the award...

In acceptance of the Best Blog award, I must reveal seven facts about myself - get ready, here they are:
  • I cant swim very well... I can sort of stay afloat and doggy paddle in an emergency - but when it comes to actual swimming, yea, I cant do that.
  • I am left handed, I think that means I am creative and that I need special scissors.
  • My dream job would be something in the field of education, helping children with Special Needs or Hearing Impaired.
  • I dont really "know" what my favorite color would be... I go through phases. Currently I love purple and coral.
  • Now that I found a great thrift store, I am back to my old ways of searching the racks for treasures. I love GoodWill and individually owned shops for finding unique items that I can actually afford.
  • I am planning on revising my budget soon... I am always looking for ways to save money... Id rather vacation with it than blow it on junk :)
  • I seriously have a crush on my car... is it bad to love a car?
And now... time to pass this award off to 15 fellow bloggers!
And lastly... a little Q&A:
Favorite Color: Like I said before, not really sure of a all time favorite... I love to wear blacks and corals... currently I like purples too.

Favorite Song: I am in love with pretty much everything from Vampire Weekend right now.

Biggest Pet Peeve: When people try to bring others down to make themselves feel better... buh! Hate that!

When upset I: I try to be a good communicator and get it all out on the table, then I usually want to go shopping...

Favorite Pet: This is hard - definitely a tie between my first pet ever, a dog named, Peaches and my current pet the Moshi cat.

Black or White: Both, enjoy them together they are a great pair.

Biggest Fear: I think it would have to be snakes... they really scare me.

Best Feature: My kindness and love for others.

Everyday Attitude: Wake up happy. Go to bed happy!

What is Perfection: Spending time doing absolutely nothing with J and/or my BFF Heather, laughing 'til we cry and enjoying life with a smile together.

Guilty Pleasure: Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee... omg!

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