The fierce and beautiful Ju'lia Catherine has nominated my blog for The Adorable Blog Award, and not only am I touched that she thinks so highly of my blog, but also honored because she is a super stylish and amazing blogger!!
The Adorable Blog Award comes with a few rules, here they are:
- Thank the person who gave you this award, and link back to them in your post.
- Tell us 10 things about yourself.
- Nominate your bloggers.
- Contact these bloggers, and let them know they received this award.
I just want to say another big THANK YOU to Ju'lia Catherine and encourage anyone who reads my blog, to check her out if you don't already... she has been on my Link Lust list since day one of my blog! I just love her :)
To follow the rules, 10 things about me that you may not know...
- My morning HAS to start with coffee!
- While I maintain a "fashion" blog, I usually dont feel very fashionable.
- I secretly enjoy watching the History channel's Swamp People with J... dont tell him I told you all that!
- I have a crush on Neil Patrick Harris... yes, even though he plays for the other team :)
- I reeeeeally want a Nook Color, like reeeeally want one.
- Sometimes I like to sit on my couch for a whole Sunday afternoon, just doing absolutely nothing - and its FUN.
- I could probably eat Chipotle with J every night of the week.
- I have never seen an Audrey Hepburn movie, but plan on watching them all this summer.
- I really only shop at 1 store in the mall, Express, about half of my clothes have come from thrifting or Target.
- I have been super sad about J leaving for the summer... its going to be a long 5 months.
Now to nominate some of my favorite blogs for The Adorable Blog Award, these are blogs that I follow nearly daily. Steffy's Pros and Cons, Melificent! the Daybook, Haute Lunch, and the Pretty Life, Anonymous. Check them out, there are all equally amazing blogs!
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